Is Astronomy Worth Studying?

Is Astronomy Worth Studying?

People have always been attracted to the outer space. Many of us are mesmerized when we look up into the sky and are attracted by the magnetic night sky with dozens of stars. While trying to comprehend the notion of infinity, we frequently wonder how little knowledge we have about the universe, planets, galaxies, and stars. So, if you are still a college student who is very much attracted by the mysteries of the universe, why not study astronomy? For some, it might seem as a boring subject or a waste of time, but actually this discipline has changed our perception of the world we live in. What is even more important is that there are still a lot of things left for the astronomers to investigate.

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What Are the Benefits of Studying Astronomy?

Studying this interesting subject will enable you to conduct different research projects, collect and analyze data, and participate in different conferences, where you will present your findings. Besides, if you are lucky enough to take part in some international conferences, you will become a member of the scientific community or will get the chance to work in collaboration with some prominent researchers. Moreover, there is a huge possibility for you to broaden your knowledge regarding numerous aspects of astronomy and find some answers to the problematic questions. Interesting, isn’t it?

How to Become an Astronomer?

One should be diligent, hard-working, always willing to learn something new, expand one’s knowledge, and discover new things.

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Get Ready for the Challenges

If you have your mind set on astronomy, be prepared to face the challenges as the subject is not easy to study. Also, consider which area you would like to study in the future. Before getting familiar with astronomy, make sure you know the basics of mathematics, physics, computer science, and geography.

Choose a Suitable Educational Establishment

Look for the educational institution that offers the best options. Make sure the course unites both studying theoretical aspects and observations.

Turn Astronomy into Your Passion

Even though astronomy may not be your major (but you still plan to deepen your knowledge of it in the future), make sure you learn as much as possible. Read a lot, take part in the field trips, meet real astronomers, etc.

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In Your Career, Choose a Specific Area of Astronomy

For your future career, it is necessary to specialize in a certain area of astronomy (which you are really interested in). It can be planetary science, solar astronomy or the origin and evolution of stars.

Which Educational Establishments to Choose?

If you have decided to study astronomy, you might consider the following universities: Stanford University, the University of California, Harvard University, the University of Oxford, California Institute of Technology, the University of Cambridge, the University of Tokyo, ETH Zurich, and Princeton University. All in all, astronomy is a great area for those people who are interested in science and have good analytical skills. Be ready that, in order to get a good job, you will most likely need to obtain a PhD. Testimonials

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