Do's and Don'ts of Essay Writing

Do's and Don'ts of Essay Writing

All students have to write essays. But few students can do this easily. To do it well, you need to know the basic dos and don’ts of essay writing. So, read on to learn them!

The Do's of Essay Writing

  • Do Write Simply. Never write too much. Stick to the point, use clear constructions and eliminate all unnecessary words.
  • Do Write Your Thesis Statement in the Introduction. A thesis statement is the principal idea of your essay expressed in a brief manner. It’s not your essay’s opening sentence. It should be placed in the end of your introduction to serve as a smooth transition to the main body.
  • Do Apply Transitional words.
  • Make your essay clear, coherent, as well as smooth. To do this, apply transitional words and phrases, such as regarding this, as has been noted, despite the previous argument, to sum up, etc.

  • Do Use Simple Sentences. If you write complex sentences, you don’t sound sophisticated. You confuse your reader. So, break long sentences and convey your point in a simple way.
  • Do Use Proper Formatting. Even though it seems unimportant, if you format your essay improperly, it may decrease your grade. So, be sure to check your formatting.
  • Do Choose Proper Language. By using proper language, you show that you can do research, analyze a topic and express your opinion. Remember that you need to follow the academic language style. It doesn’t mean that your paper has to resemble a thesaurus book. But it surely mustn’t be colloquial.
  • Do Revise Your Essay. Check for spelling and grammar mistakes, as well as for sentence constructions and transitions. Ensure that everything (format, word count, etc.) is fine.

The Don'ts of Essay Writing

  • Don’t Plagiarize. It’s one of the most important rules that should be clear to everyone. Give references to the sources you’re using. Write in your own words. Express your own ideas.
  • Don't Add too Many Facts. Yes, your essay has to be detailed and meaningful. But it doesn’t mean that you need to include everything you’ve found into it. Narrow your topic down, analyze information and structure it properly, choosing only the most important facts.
  • Don't Overuse Clich?s. You can use set phrases, but don’t overwhelm your essay with them. Make your essay original. Use fresh ideas.
  • Don’t Rely Only on Spell Checkers. Yes, spell checkers are a good way to proofread your essay automatically. But you shouldn’t rely only on them. Use your own mind, as well. Remember that spell checkers can miss the mistakes that you may notice. So, read your essay attentively several times to eliminate all of them. It’s also a good idea to ask someone to check it for you.
  • Don’t Address the Reader. Academic writing is not a conversation with your reader. So, never use the pronoun “you” in your essay.

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