The Code of Style and Professionalism: How to Dress Properly and Let Success in Your Life

The Code of Style and Professionalism: How to Dress Properly and Let Success in Your Life

You have probably heard the phrase “Dress for Success” at least once in your life. Have you ever contemplated what it means? Why do clothes mean so much in everyday life, especially in career development? If you think that clothes are a trivial thing not deserving attention, you are really wrong. Of course, people may not pay attention to whether your dress is a work of a famous designer, but they will surely pay attention to the overall image that you have created. Therefore, you should be reasonable when choosing the outfit.

Psychologists claim that what we see affects what we think. When we meet a person, we do not know who he/she is, but we get a general impression from the clothes and shoes he/she wears. For example, if a person to-meet has dirty and not polished shoes, we might think that he/she is untidy and does not pay attention to the details. Such first impression may become a huge stain on one’s reputation. To a certain extent, people’s wish to dress up before an interview is a kind of a strategy to manipulate others because in such a way we are trying to impose a particular image of ourselves.

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I must say that first impressions matter not only when you go to a job interview, attend an important meeting or deliver your first public speech. They are also important in college, and thus college students should put their efforts and try to look nice and neat.

So, why are good looks so important in college?

  • Proper clothing and looks boost your self-esteem and self-confidence. For instance, when wearing formal outfit (i.e. a skirt with a blouse or a dress, you will feel much more confident than in jeans and a sweatshirt).
  • Clothes influence the way others perceive us. For example, if a person has come for the first time in college in bee-striped tights and bright yellow dress, mates will never regard such person as a serious, reliant or responsible one. On the contrary, if a person turned up wearing a formal outfit at the first day of college, he/she will create a bossy impression.
  • Clothes and the overall look also affect the way in which professors will treat you. Therefore, if you do not want to end up in the black list of your professor, do not display all tattoos and piercings that you have. Carefully choose the clothes, makeup, and jewelry.

So, as you see, many people still underestimate the power of clothes they wear every day. The choice of clothes directly relates to the type of image you want to create. Therefore, if you want to be successful, suit up properly! Testimonials

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