Free «European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms» Essay Sample

European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms is a European agreement aimed at the realization and protection of a number of human rights and freedoms as; for instance, the right to no punishment without law and a fair trial, prohibition of discrimination, the right to an effective remedy, etc. The Council of Europe formed this document. Thus, all its member states must ratify it.

The Convention is a similar document to the American Bill of Rights, the English Bill of Rights and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man. Nevertheless, it establishes international enforcement mechanisms. The European Court of Human Rights was legally instituted, in order to ensure compliance with obligations. Nowadays, all violations of human rights belong directly to the competence of the Court. The decisions of the Court are necessary procedures for aggrieved parties. The Committee of Ministers controls the implementation of the judgments.

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Therefore, the primary mission of the Convention is achieved by the unity between its members, their governmental organizations and the common rule of law (Council of Europe, 2002).

In his paper “Will “Europe” Survive the 21st Century?: A Meditation on the 50th Anniversary of the European Community”, McDougal gives an overview of the history of European integration with fundamental analysis of its problems and accomplishments, over the past 50 years. Will Europe live through this century? This is the main question that is put by the author.

In spite of the amount of developments and update, the writer states that Europeans live in a “False Paradise”. The continent’s power is overrated with a number of economic and social problems. Nevertheless, he underlines that the cultural problems remain the most difficult ones. Thus, the author summarizes his paper with the question: “How long can a civilization expect to survive without arms, without faith, without children?”(McDougal, 2007).

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McDougal’s position has the reasonable cornerstone, but his point of view is not the absolute truth. One must believe that Europe will overcome its obstacles.

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