Learn How to Make a Reference List from Qualified Experts

Often students ask how to make a reference list without even knowing what it is and why it is needed. A reference list is a section of a paper that lists the sources you have used while writing your assignment. Its purpose is to provide details about the sources so that the origin of the information could be traced. It usually goes at the end of your paper and starts on a new page titled “References” or “Bibliography”. All sources cited in the paper should appear on the reference list in alphabetical order. Though you might read more sources, usually only those that are actually cited in your work can be included on the reference page. Yet, if it is a referencing style requirement or your instructor wants to see the sources you consult additionally, they need to be listed as well.

General formatting of a reference list requires the title “References” or “Bibliography” be centered and written in bold font on the first line of a new page. The spacing should be consistent with the rest of your writing.

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Since a reference page format depends on the style of referencing required for a specific assignment, different rules apply to arrangement of sources depending on their type. Basically, it is necessary to know which information goes first and what needs to be indicated. Thus, in some referencing styles, it is the author’s last name that goes first, while in others it can be first name or initials. That said, it is no wonder that questions arise: How to make a reference list? How to arrange the sources? Which information to include for published and electronic sources? Those are just few questions that bother students. Below, you can find some common rules applicable to most styles. Yet, if you find yourself struggling with this part of your assignment, you may buy a reference list online. At Prime-Writing.com, we can help you with any format.

The Basics of Referencing Sources

  • Use half-inch hanging indentation for each entry to distinguish between sources.
  • Invert authors’ names, providing last name first
  • Provide initials for authors’ first and middle names
  • Provide names of all authors when there are up to 20 contributors. Separate names by commas and use an ampersand before the last author in the list. If there are more than 20 contributors, put an ellipsis after listing 19 authors and then indicate the name of the last author.
  • Arrange your reference list in alphabetical order.
  • List multiple articles by the same author(s) in chronological order starting with the oldest.
  • Capitalize only first word of the title and first words after a colon or dash, and proper nouns for books, article, reports, etc.

As you can see, there is much information to keep in mind when working on your references. So, if you see that you can't complete your assignment on your own due to the lack of knowledge of different citation styles, time, or skills, address us without hesitation. Our company is the right place to get real help with arranging your sources on a reference list. For you to get a clear understanding of what we are talking about, we offer to take a look at the points highlighted below. That information will help you realize that Prime-Writing.com is a reliable writing provider aimed at your success. 

How to Order a Reference List

  • Place your order on our website and provide detailed instructions.

  • Make a payment, and our writer will begin working on your order immediately.

  • The assigned writer will study the provided information in detail.

  • Your reference list will meet the requirements of a specific style.

  • If you have any questions about your order, reach our support agents.

  • Receive a properly arranged reference list.

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How to Order Papers at Prime-Writing.com

Ordering process is simple and straightforward. All you need to do is:

  1. Fill out the order form indicating the type of assignment, deadline, length, and other details.
  2. Pay for the order via one of the payment options available. Once your transaction is verified, a proficient in the topic writer will be assigned to work on your paper.
  3. Log in to your profile on our website to see the status of your order and download the paper once the deadline is over.

Should you require help with writing any assignment or compiling a correct APA reference page, turn to us! We would be pleased to assist you so that you could forget about your academic writing troubles and see that student life can be free from stress.

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